It really takes a lot of patience to obtain even moderately good pictures of these little critters. I spent most of this morning watching our bird feeders, just waiting. This was one of the first times I just sat still and took in how diverse and beautiful these spring birds are. My mom helped me a great deal in identifying the birds I couldn't recognize, as I continued to take picture after picture in hopes that a few of them might turn out well. I certainly did my best to catch the birds at their best. In addition, I have remembered why I hate squirrels so much; they repeatedly climb up the bird feeders in order to eat their food. Nothing seems to scare them either. Probably because they can sense that my aim is extremely poor, if I attempt to go after them with a rock or nerf gun. We need a good squirrel trap around here.
This is a gold finch of which we have many around our house |
As I am trying to show, through this blog, God's creation has so many hidden treasures; things we seem to take for granted. It is my goal in the future to discover as many of these treasures as possible within my lifetime. In which case, I will probably be on the road quite a lot. This is my ideal treasure-hunt; no gold or riches at the end, just the pure beauty of creation (enriched by God's glory and love). As summer draws near there will be many more bright birds coming to our feeder. For instance, this golden finch will take on a much more brilliantly golden look.
This is a male cardinal, also very common in our backyard, along with his mate |
It's quite common to see this bird at our feeder along with its mate. I do think it's pretty funny (awe-inspiring) how God designed certain animals, such as these birds; the male birds are bright red and beautiful while their mates are plain. Humans tend to be opposite in that respect. I will never stop marveling at the splendor of God's creation.